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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

What is Leading to Change?

What is Leading to Change?

What is Leading to Change?

Have you seen Leading to Change’s new animation: What is Leading to Change?

The animation has been developed to raise awareness of Leading to Change to leaders of all levels across the social work, social care and health sectors.

It focuses on what we can offer those currently working within social work and social care, who may be less engaged or unfamiliar with our leadership and digital programmes and resources.

Leading to Change is not a health offer that is open to social work and social care – it’s a people offer that’s open to everyone – whatever sector or position.

Upcoming Events

Leading to Change have a range of exciting events taking place over the next few months. These are open to leaders of all levels across social care, social work, health, third and voluntary sectors.

Leadership Links Webinar

Difficult Conversations in Collaboration, Change and Negotiation

Thursday 2 November, MS Teams, 12:30pm – 1:30pm

This session is led by Gary Cavanagh, Organisational Development Consultant, NHS Lothian. He will be exploring how to navigate difficult conversations and 'principled negotiation'.

Find out about other events in November on our events webpage

More information

Find more about Leading to Change’s current offers on our website

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October, 27 2023