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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

New environmental sustainability course launched

New environmental sustainability course launched

New environmental sustainability course launched

Interested in environmental sustainability but don’t know where to start? Want to learn more about what action NHSScotland is taking to tackle climate change – and what you can do to help?

A new environmental sustainability course has been launched on TURAS Learn for all NHSScotland staff.

The course provides an introduction to sustainability concepts, topics and issues, and will develop your understanding of:

  • the effect the environment has on human health
  • the environmental impacts of delivering healthcare services
  • action that NHSScotland is taking to become more sustainable
  • action we can take as individuals to contribute and make a difference

Collaboration across the boards

Working together has been a core part of developing this course, as Anushka Govias-Smith (Sustainability Manager, Environmental Management, NHS National Services Scotland and Chair of the short life working group) explains:

“It’s been a true collaborative effort – it began with a group of colleagues in the NHSScotland Environmental Sustainability Group from across different boards working on the course content, including:
“Once developed, the script was reviewed by clinical and non-clinical colleagues from several boards, as well as Scottish Government. Other colleagues have also been involved along the way, including NSS teammates from within the NHS Scotland Assure Climate Change, Sustainability and Environment team, our in-house design team and learning and development colleagues, and the NSS sustainability team. We’ve also had support from PHS learning and development and NES as well.”

Gayle Baxter, NES Senior Specialist Lead for Technology Enhanced Learning said:

“The NES Learn Content Team worked in collaboration with colleagues in NSS and PHS to design and develop a Turas Learn site where this Environmental sustainability and climate change module could be hosted - alongside any other relevant learning resources - to provide a cohesive hub for ongoing learning in this area for staff across NHS Scotland”

Find out more

Log into your TURAS Learn account to access the environmental sustainability course.

If your board uses LearnPro, you can still access the course by opening a TURAS account – TURAS Learn is available to all NHS Scotland staff.

August, 26 2024