New attraction and recruitment resources for health boards
The Centre for Workforce Supply (CWS) has developed two new resources to support recruitment and attraction activity in NHS Scotland.
The CWS supports workforce capacity across the NHS in Scotland by bringing together expertise across NHS Education for Scotland (NES), Scottish Government and NHSScotland in the areas of workforce data, planning, education, and development, to identify and prioritise workforce challenges and associated supply interventions.
NHS Staff Banks Attraction Resources
This project commission has been a collaborative effort to develop and coordinate a set of national marketing assets and activity to support key stakeholders’ ambition to attract and communicate routes to NHS Staff Bank opportunities.
The purpose is to support health boards with resources that can help reduce the volume of agency spend, by raising activity to promote and attract to NHS Staff Banks.
This new Attraction Hub aims to coordinate resources to engage the key relevant audience groups, hosting the essential assets and information in one location, supporting health boards with activity.
Visit the Staff Banks Attraction Hub to view and access the range of resources.
Psychiatry Recruitment and Attraction Hub
The Centre for Workforce Supply coordinated a national project to develop a Psychiatry Recruitment and Attraction Support Hub and provide a recognisable identity for Psychiatry roles in Scotland.
Due to the shortage of psychiatrists both across the UK, and globally, there is currently a highly competitive job market and employers need to proactively attract and nurture medical professionals to fill vacancies.
The new resource Hub supports Health Boards across the service with high quality assets and specialty specific resources to promote psychiatry careers in Scotland. This gives employers a competitive edge and level of differentiation in promoting psychiatry as an attractive career in Scotland to a global audience.
Visit the Psychiatry Recruitment and Attraction Support Hub on Turas Learn.
March, 18 2025