National Once for Scotland Whistleblowing Standards and training
As of 1st April 2021 the new Once for Scotland National Whistleblowing Standards will be available, providing information and guidance for NHSScotland staff.
The new standards providing an Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INWO) service for NHSScotland have been agreed by Scottish Government and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) who will take on the new role of the INWO.
The Standards will set out high level principles and provide a detailed procedure for investigating concerns with the aim of promoting a culture of speaking up in the NHS. The INWO aims to ensure that everyone delivering NHS services in Scotland is able to speak up to raise concerns when they see harm or wrongdoing putting patient safety at risk, confident that they can do so in a protected way.
To support the implementation of the National Whistleblowing Standards, training is now available and should be completed by all NHS staff including students, contractors and volunteers through two clearly defined Turas Learn training modules:
Whistleblowing: Staff needing an overview
Provides an introduction to the National Whistleblowing Standards, how it relates to other HR processes and how to use the Standards
Whistleblowing: Managers and people who receive concerns
Provides an introduction to the National Whistleblowing Standards, how it relates to other HR processes, encouraging staff to raise concerns, concerns for managers and reporting and learning from concerns
You will need to login with your Turas account to view and complete the learning programmes.
If you do not have an account then please register for a free Turas account.
March, 24 2021