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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Lighting the Spark: the transformative impact of community engagement and service learning in medical education

Lighting the Spark: the transformative impact of community engagement and service learning in medical education

Lighting the Spark: the transformative impact of community engagement and service learning in medical education

This dynamic seminar explored the impact of community engagement and service-learning on the educational journey of medical students and third sector partners.

Together facilitators and participants considered how these innovative components not only enhanced learning outcomes but also played a pivotal role in developing credible, confident and compassionate leaders and agents of change, committed to realistic medicine principles.

Participants explored the transformative power of partnership, community involvement, and experiential learning in shaping a patient-centred educational landscape for medical and healthcare professionals.

It was an opportunity to discover how community engagement and service-learning supports medical students in their ambitions, embracing values-based practice, sustainability and social accountability, to shape a generation of professionals equipped to make a meaningful difference. Participants also considered the benefits and opportunities for third sector partners.

Jayne Stewart, clinical teaching fellow at University of St Andrews said:

“The goal is really about cultivating high quality, adaptable and compassionate leader. So, it really is about sort of trying to inform the future leaders in terms of healthcare and … think about how we're engaging our students and attempt to bring about real change in healthcare.
“So that's what we're introducing them to, from the start of the programme that runs right through the four years.”

Watch the whole session to explore how the synergy between education, community, and realistic medicine, can foster a holistic and innovative approach to education.

May, 30 2024