Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland programme launches
Funded by the Scottish Government and led by NES, as part of the Digital Skills and Leadership Programme, the Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland programme will develop current and future leaders to drive, deliver and embed digital transformation across health and care services in Scotland.
The launch event, which took place on 21 March set the context and aims of the programme and included UK and international speakers, peer support group networking and opportunities to engage with academic staff involved in delivery.
The event focussed on learning, rather than a more traditional conference - and was designed with learners needs in mind. The day also allowed for peer interaction and discussion, to build the peer support network for the rest of the course.
Tracey Ashworth-Davies, Director of Workforce, NES said
"We are delighted to see representation from across the sector within the programme and are thrilled for individuals going through the programme as part of their personal development. We are also excited to see how the learning is applied operationally within organisations and the positive difference this makes within the health and care system."
Delivered by the University of Edinburgh, the programme will equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to become innovative transformation leaders, while providing the opportunity to translate these into practice for the benefit of the organisation and/or wider system.
NES led on the recruitment campaign with a wide focus across health, care, and housing. This included questions and answer and application support sessions, and a follow up drop-in session. In addition, prospective candidates can find course content, eligibility criteria and digital leadership resources at the dedicated Turas site.
50 applicants, each supported by an executive sponsor, were successful in obtaining a place on the course, representing 31 health and care organisations that include:
- four care organisations
- three housing and care organisations
- six health and social care partnerships (HSCPs)
- two NHS special boards
- 16 NHS territorial health boards
Keep up to date with the latest news about the programme on twitter, @nes_dew and join the conversation using #leadingdigitaltransformation.
April, 25 2023