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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Launch of healthcare support worker national learning survey

Launch of healthcare support worker national learning survey

Launch of healthcare support worker national learning survey

The purpose of the survey

The purpose of the national learning survey is to understand the learning and development experience of nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (NMAHP) healthcare support workers (HCSWs) at work in NHS Scotland.

The HCSW workforce

HCSWs are a large and diverse workforce; collectively there are more than 23,500 HCSWs across nursing, midwifery, and allied health professions in NHS Scotland.

Past surveys

NES carried out the national HCSW surveys in 2011 and in 2018, with both surveys receiving a great response from HCSWs.

However, many things have changed since the 2018 survey was conducted.

Changes in HCSW role

HCSW roles continue to evolve and in recognition of the development, advancements, and changing landscape of HCSW roles and the spotlight that has been on HCSW role development as driven by the Scottish Government HCSW commission over the last three years, now is the time to revisit the national HCSW learning survey.

NES is expanding the reach of the survey to not only gauge the views directly from NMAHP HCSWs but also seek to understand the views of managers and educators who are involved in supporting and facilitating HCSW’s learning.

Who should complete the survey?

The survey should be completed by healthcare support workers in nursing, midwifery and allied health professions across acute and community settings in NHS Scotland including GP practices, health centres, prisons and blood transfusion service.

NES Chair, David Garbutt offered a message of support to healthcare support workers, saying:

“I was delighted to see the launch of the national healthcare support workers learning survey. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to let us hear your voice in shaping the learning and development opportunities that will best support you in your various roles.
“Healthcare support workers are such a vital part of the workforce and you are highly valued as an essential part of the healthcare team.
“This year we have included a section for your line managers and those who are involved in facilitating your learning, but we still need to hear from you. I met many of you when we had our last survey in 2018 and was struck by your enthusiasm and dedication.  Let’s see if we can harness that enthusiasm this time round and improve on the great response we had in 2018.”

How do I access the survey?

The survey is open from 3 July to 30 September 2024

More information

To find out more please go to the HCSW national learning survey page on Turas.

If you have any queries regarding the HCSW national learning survey, please get in touch with the team at or @NES_hcsw on X.

The survey

July, 23 2024