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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Infection Prevention and Control / Covid-19 webinars for care home staff

Infection Prevention and Control / Covid-19 webinars for care home staff

Infection Prevention and Control / Covid-19 webinars for care home staff

Our Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) team recently delivered a webinar on IPC / COVID-19 for care home staff, which is now available on Turas Learn.

In collaboration with other stakeholders, the 90-minute webinar provides staff with key infection prevention and control information needed to protect themselves and others in a care home setting.

Learning outcomes: 

  • Identify why infection prevention and control is important
  • Discuss effective application of good infection prevention and control practices
  • Consider changes required in your practices to enable improvements which may be required
  • Source the latest guidance and resources available

The webinars also supported the publication of the new Scottish COVID-19 Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Addendum to the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual.

Altogether, over 2,700 staff attended over 9 webinars in December 2020 and January 2021.

Staff unable to attend one of the live webinars can access a recording via the IPC / Covid-19 webinars for care home staff page on Turas Learn.

As well as the webinar recording, this page contains:

  • PowerPoint presentation with notes
  • PDF document version of the slides and notes
  • links to guidance and useful resources handout
  • an evaluation form

It will also host an FAQ section which will be added soon.

A Certificate of Attendance can be downloaded, completed and signed by your line manager.

Staff can access the webinar recording and other resources on their computer/laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Access is FREE, no registration or account is necessary.

For more information please contact:

February, 24 2021