Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)
Two new e-learning modules are now available on Turas to support knowledge and understanding about Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) across the workforce in Scotland.
Since the publication of a policy statement and a suite of resources in 2022, the informed and skilled level modules aim to complement existing local and national resources to further embed the Getting it right for every child approach, particularly for those likely to come into contact with children, young people and their families.
Getting it right for every child is the Scottish Government’s commitment to provide all children, young people and families with the right support at the right time – so that every child and young person in Scotland can reach their full potential. The foundations of GIRFEC are established through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the modules integrate child-centred, rights-respecting and strengths-based approaches. It is acknowledged more needs to be done to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of all children and young people in Scotland as we work towards Keeping the Promise and Plan 24-30.
Clare McGuire, Head of Programme said:
“The modules were commissioned by Scottish Government and are the result of a successful collaboration between NHS Education for Scotland, Police Scotland, Education Scotland and Scottish Social Services Council.
This multi-agency approach to developing learning resources reflects frontline service partnerships and working together to enhance the wellbeing of all babies, children and young people in Scotland. We want to thank our partners and look forward to continuing our work together and raising awareness about the modules across the multi-professional workforce in the new year.”
You can access the modules on the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) and Children's Rights learning site.
December, 17 2024