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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Cultural resource for managers of internationally recruited staff

Cultural resource for managers of internationally recruited staff

Cultural resource for managers of internationally recruited staff


International recruitment is vital  for meeting the health and care needs of people in Scotland.

Feedback from the NHS Scotland Academy, international recruitment (IR) operations meetings, and the IR experience survey identified a gap in how prepared managers are to support IR staff.

The lived experiences of internationally recruited staff from the IR experience survey also demonstrated a need to provide an IR cultural resource for managers to use when recruiting and supporting IR staff into their work areas.

The Centre for Workforce Supply has worked in collaboration with Seventeen Seconds, to develop a collection of resources that support managers to ensure international staff settle into working and living in Scotland.


This IR specific cultural resource:

  • compliments the cultural humility training developed by the NHS Scotland Academy
  • provides best practice on supporting international staff professionally
  • provides top tips on settling international staff into the workplace and Scotland

We anticipate that the resource will support a positive culture in the workplace as well as improved retention of international staff.


The company Seventeen Seconds was commissioned to develop this resource by the The Centre for Workforce Supply. They have vast experience leading programmes in equality, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism and have and have recently completed a cultural competence training package for NHS England.

The resource consists of:

  • an engaging PDF that summarises IR and cultural competence and cultural humility in the context of support for internationally educated colleagues, including examples of good practice and ‘top tips’
  • a PDF top tips to support internationally educated colleagues
  • a high-quality video presentation on ‘How to support internationally educated staff’

The resource will be hosted on the CWS Turas hub page.

July, 23 2024