Clinical Supervisor Preparation Programme
The NES Clinical Supervisor Preparation Programme supports the development of nurses and midwives to become Clinical Supervisors. The programme has operated since 2017 and uses a blended learning approach. This requires the completion of the NES Digital Resource on TURAS and subsequent workshops.
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic a short life working group of NMAHP Practice Educators formed to transfer the classroom-based workshops online. The group re-designed the workshops for delivery via MS Teams. This work took into consideration best practice online facilitation techniques shared from Learning and Performance Institute webinars and the newly formed NES Technology Enhanced Learning group.
We recruited 21 nurses and midwives across Scotland’s regional boards into 3 groups to participate in the programme and test 5 workshops delivered via MS Teams. The testing process followed an agile methodology and feedback was gathered and used as the testing progressed. The infographic is a summary of the feedback and captures the positive learner experience on MS Teams.
The online NES Clinical Supervisor Preparation Programme has since commenced in NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Fife, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Tayside, NHS Borders, NHS Highland, NHS Forth Valley and Health Improvement Scotland. 118 participants have completed the programme since October 2020.
May, 26 2021