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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

A fun introduction to the basics of Quality Improvement (QI)

A fun introduction to the basics of Quality Improvement (QI)

A fun introduction to the basics of Quality Improvement (QI)

Our QI Team has developed a set of short animations to introduce the key steps in the Quality Improvement journey.

The animations are ideal for people new to quality improvement, or if you are looking for a fun resource to introduce your team to the basics of QI and what it has to offer. In addition to the Quality Improvement Journey animations there is an animation on the Model for Improvement and another introducing the journey as a whole.

Each animation is around two minutes long and introduces an aspect of the journey in a way that highlights its importance and the contribution it makes to making your improvement work a success. At the heart of each animation is the key message that Quality Improvement is a team sport and something that should be done together with people – people in the team and people who benefit from what the team does, whoever they might be!

We have also created a new infographic that provides an overview of the key steps of the Quality Improvement Journey. This tries to highlight the cyclical, continuous nature of the journey and that improvement rarely occurs in a straight line, so you might need to double-back and repeat a step from time-to-time!

Each animation can be found on the QI Zone on Turas and is linked to a host of additional resources and practical tips.

Remember, quality improvement is a team activity and we hope these new fun resources will help you and your team to make a success of your improvement work.

July, 28 2021