Who should attend?
Eastward Trainers (Dundee, Angus and North East Fife)
Registration has now closed. Please contact events@nes.scot.nhs.uk
This workshop is designed to run in conjunction with the existing local trainer meetings. For the East Region, there are separate workshops for Eastward Trainers and Westward Trainers, and we would ask that trainers only attend the workshop specific to your area to ensure that the numbers are balanced.
It may be possible to attend an alternative East Region workshop if you cannot attend the workshop for your area, but this will be dependent on capacity, so if you would like to attend an alternative workshop then please check with the events team (events@nes.scot.nhs.uk) that this would be possible before registering, thank you.
Please note that delegate places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Tea and coffee will be provided during mid morning and mid afternoon breaks but not at registration, along with soup for lunch.
We ask that you bring your own refreshments and snacks, if required, in addition to what is available.
Please be aware that there are no shops within close proximity of the venue.
NES Conference Team
NHS Education for Scotland
0131 376 2541 / 0131 376 2381 / 0131 376 2389