Jenna Jenkinson (Webinar 2)
Senior Educator
NHS Education for Scotland
Jenna Jenkinson started her career as a Medical Technical Officer in the Genetics Department in NHS Lothian in 2004, then commenced Clinical Scientist training the following year. After completing her Clinical Scientist training in 2009, she worked in Molecular Haematology, before moving back to Genetics and undertaking the Royal College of Pathology exams. Jenna moved into the Training Lead role in Genetics in 2022 and is also heavily involved in service work with her main focus on Preimplantation Genetic Testing.
Jenna joined the NHS Education for Scotland Healthcare Scientist team in 2024 as a Senior Educator in Genomics. Jenna’s main role in NES is to scope available training and education resources for the Genomics workforce, develop a plan of how to share these and co-ordinate the development of any new resources. This involves collaboration with various workforces within NHS Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland.
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