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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Fiona Fraser (Webinar 4)

Associate Director (Innovation and Workforce Diversification)

NHS Scotland Academy

Fiona Fraser is Associate Director, Innovation and Workforce Diversification within the new directorate, NHS Scotland Academy, Learning and Innovation at NHS Education for Scotland.

Fiona has mixed discipline undergraduate and postgraduate educational experience in varied contexts within health workforce and education setting.

Clinical skills and simulation alongside distributed models of engagement including digitally enabled considerations are strong features.

The role takes forward heightened focus on strategic collaboration and partnership activity, horizon scanning and enabling ‘different people to apply different tools and do different things at altered points of a care pathway’.

This collective activity speaks to shaping and influencing innovation, with an increasingly diverse workforce and responsive education offer to positive effect.

More detail on the Innovation and Workforce Diversification workstream can be found via specific Turas pages

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