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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Bianca Brownlee (Webinar 3)

Principal Lead (CPD / Quality Assurance)

NHS Education for Scotland

In this role Bianca Brownlee primarily works to support continual professional development resource delivered on the TURAS platform. From identifying gaps in the HCS offer to content design and delivering of training. Assisting in QA of training, workforce commissioning and communications.

Joining the core team in 2020, whilst jointly working flexibly for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde as a clinical vascular scientist, using ultrasound and other non-invasive techniques to image and assess blood flow, a small niche specialism. Completing training in vascular ultrasound in 2011 with a MSc in Medical Ultrasound from the University of the West of England and gaining full accreditation with the Society for Vascular technology.

In 2022 joining the clinical physiology executive board to bring experience and insight from physiological science to the HCS team at NHS Education for Scotland.

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