Our Board Meetings are open to the public to attend. Following the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Board convenes using a hybrid meeting model. The Board meets in person and also meets virtually, via Microsoft Teams.
The agenda and papers for our Public Board Meetings are available three days before the meeting takes place.
If you wish to join the next Board meeting as a public observer, please email: Della Thomas at CEO.NES@nes.scot.nhs.uk to register your interest and to receive instructions for joining the next meeting. Requests from the public to observe a Board meeting must be received at least 48 hours before the Board meeting is due to start.
The next meetings of the NES Board are as follows:
Board Papers for forthcoming meetings are made available on the Monday prior to the meeting taking place.
Please note that all papers are embargoed until 12 noon on the day of the Board meeting.
When available you can view the papers for the next forthcoming meeting here - 6 February 2025.
View the agendas, minutes and papers from NHS Education for Scotland board meetings below.