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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Louise Harker

Louise was born and raised in Sweden. She holds a MA (Hons) in Geography and Sustainable Development, and a MSc in Conservation Studies, from the University of St Andrews.

Her professional career has focused on skills development and education in geospatial information systems (GIS). She works as a project manager for a Cloud based GIS project with NatureScot.

She is joining the Board as a Boardroom Apprentice on a 12 month learning, development and placement programme that enables a diversity of new people to come forward to learn how to give their time and share their skills with third and public- sector boards. She is keen to learn about and be involved in the work of the Board, and to gain experience and develop the skills to apply her knowledge, energy and excitement to contribute to public life in the boardroom.

Louise Harker