At NES we welcome the involvement of patients, carers, families, service users, trainees and students in our work.
Volunteers and lay people have served as expert advisers on project steering groups, assisted with quality management, given us their patient/carer stories, reviewed educational research proposals, checked our publications for plain english and more.
In return, we aim to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which to be involved or volunteer. Volunteers and lay people at NES are always valued, and we understand our responsibility for ensuring that you benefit from your experience too.
We also greatly value our partnerships with stakeholder organisations and the participation of health and social care staff, students and trainees, voluntary organisations and others in our work. The knowledge and experience contributed by external organisations and individuals is essential in ensuring we meet the needs of patients, professionals and health and care services.
If you're interested in volunteering with NES, please contact our volunteering lead, Rob Coward in our planning and corporate governance team. Further information about volunteering at NES is provided in our volunteering handbook [PDF].
Members of the public are welcomed to meetings of the NES Board. Please contact Della Thomas, Board Secretary, for details about forthcoming meetings.
We look forward to hearing from you!