NHS Education for Scotland Seasonal vaccination privacy notice
This is the privacy notice for the data held by NES for seasonal vaccinations.
Your personal data is being used by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) as the Data Controller responsible for the National Clinical Data Store (NCDS). NCDS is updated with information and events (such as your previous vaccinations or clinical treatments) from healthcare records maintained by GPs, specialist treatment centres and the Vaccination Management Tool within NHS Scotland. You will find our contact details, together with those for our Data Protection officer (DPO) at the foot of this notice.
The purpose of processing is to support the delivery of invitations for seasonal flu, shingles and pneumococcal vaccinations which will be sent to you by your local Health Board.
Your personal data will be shared with
The set of personal data used contains information about your:
Lawful reasons for processing areas follows:
After the data is requested by SEER from the NCDS database it is updated every 24 hours to ensure accuracy. This regular refresh of data is repeated daily for the duration of the vaccination programme, which is itself subject to review every 18 months.
Your personal data will remain in the UK at all times.
You have rights regarding how we process your personal data (for details about your rights and how to invoke them, see our privacy page):
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as the regulator in the UK. ICO address: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or visit ico.org.uk
NES Address: NHS Education for Scotland, Westport 102, West Port, Edinburgh, EH3 9DN.
NES DPO contact email: foidp@nes.scot.nhs.uk (postal address as above for NES).