The discipline of Human Factors (also known as Ergonomics) takes a systems and design based approach to jointly improving:
It is often mis-interpreted as ‘factors to do with humans’ and so is misunderstood in many areas of health and social care. There is, therefore, a significant learning need for many in this area. Knowledge of Human Factors and Ergonomics is crucial to understanding human and organisational performance generally but also in determining why things go wrong (and right) in complex care systems in a way that seeks to support staff rather than assign blame.
NHS Education for Scotland is supporting a range of training, educational development and research, aimed at integrating Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) into everyday health and social care in Scotland so the design of how, where & with what we do our work matches the capabilities of ourselves and our colleagues.
You can find out more at our TURAS learn zone.
Twitter: @HFHealthcareUK
Last updated: 29/09/2020