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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Long Term Condition Management in Primary Care: A Team Approach

Long Term Condition Management in Primary Care: A Team Approach

Long Term Condition Management in Primary Care: A Team Approach

Our CPD Connect team, with support from our Conference Team, held the first ‘Long Term Condition Management in Primary Care’ conference in Glasgow on 5 February. The day centred around the management of people with long term conditions, using a whole team approach, and explored new ways of working in practice.

We were delighted that Malcolm Wright, Director General Health & Social Care / Chief Executive of the NHS, Scottish Government agreed to open the conference. His words set the scene for a thought provoking and interactive day of education.

An audience of approximately 270 GPs, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and nurses working in general practice/primary care travelled from across Scotland to attend a series of lectures and workshops, from a wide range of healthcare professionals.

The team eagerly await feedback from the event and hope to arrange a follow up event in 2020-21 so please watch this space

If you are working in general practice and want to keep up to date with what's on offer in CPD Connect please visit our website and follow us on social media at:

Twitter:@CPDConnect @GpnNes@NES_Pharmacy
Facebook: CPd Connect - including PBSGL

February, 26 2020